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Is It Time For a New Profile Pic?

Do you still have that drunken/embarrassing picture of you up on your Facebook? Do you have picture with a group of people? Can people visiting your facebook, linkedin, and other social media profiles distinguish who you really are in your profile pic?

The reason I bring up this question is because having a professional photo that represents who you are is more important than you can imagine. With the increase of employers, significant others, acquaintances, and many more going to social media sites to do research on who you are it is imperative to have a professional image representing you. It is your first impression. Now it does not have to be a corporate like or school posed shot because that might not represent who you are, but none the less, a professional image makes people want to engage with you in a positive way. It is also a huge plus for potential employers to see to because it shows you care about how you represent yourself.

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