19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Organizing and Editing Photos Work Flow

I.                   Transfer photos from camera to computer

a.       Create a folder to put the pictures into.

i.      Name the folder related to the pictures or event and include the date

1.      Ex: “Day at Seaworld – 07-17-2010”

ii.      Rotate all of your images to the appropriate position

iii.      Create subfolders

1.      Create a folder and label it JPEG folder that you put all of your JPEGs in it

2.      Create a folder and label it ‘RAW’ and put all of your RAW files in it

3.      Create a folder and label it ‘Final’ and put all of your completed and edited photos into this one

II.                Optional

a.       Burn the folders onto a disc for back up or to deliver for a client

b.      Batch process

i.      Change the file names for all of your photos to make them more descriptive

ii.      Change the image size to be uploaded to the web

iii.      Image adjustments and enhancements

iv.      Add watermark, copyright or logo

c.       Individually edit photos that need more alteration than just brightness or borders

III.             Upload online

a.       Post to blog or website

i.      Resize image for appropriate display size

b.      Share on Flickr or Facebook

i.      Add description and tags to the photos and tag friends

c.       Upload to client or personal server for client to view and order photos online

IV.             Back up your photos

a.       Carbonite.com – automatically backs up new files to their server

b.      Copy all photos to an external hard drive

c.       Burn photos onto discs

Free Tools Available for Organizing and Sharing Photos

1.     Flickr – share, store, and upload photos for free

2.      Picnik – Free and basic way to edit photos

3.      Pixlr.com – advanced tools similar to photoshop on the web

4.      Picasa – a downloadable software to organize and share photos online and on your computer